Sunday 2 May 2010


Now who among as has used the services of a lady (or man or otherwise, perhaps) of the night? I'm sure that we all know at least one person who has, if we know they have or not. Here I will focus more on the provider of such services, rather than the client. Are they 'being bad'? I must admit, Socratic nature here falls from me, as I think not. There are of course many different reasons why people rent their body out - some do it for fun, others wilfully for money, and others as lack of money necessitates - but the actual act itself, so far as we can judge away from causation, cannot really be all that bad. While yes, it can be unhealthy (although much of the health conditions that can arise from sex with many people can be somewhat reduced with protections, a key point of consideration), it is at least for most not an addiction. But, while it may to the common eye seem dishonourable, and is in the UK illegal, who are we really to deprive someone of sovereignty of their body? Of course this in itself would be an act of being bad, but it does not follow that prostitution is thus good.

There are many religious implications towards prostitution, it goes without saying, but in a secular age I think it is better to ignore these objections, especially as they inevitably rest upon highly debatable foundations. However, try as I might, I just cannot find what prostitutes do to be immoral, probably as I recall (against my maxim earlier) that they do what they do either from choice, or from necessity. In the former case, they do what they do to earn money. This is a marked difference from drinking or smoking, as after all... their profession may be illegal, but we all need money. In which case, they are only from choice accepting a means to the end (of making money) that is quite likley the best for their nature. As for those who do what they do against their will for necessity, they aren't so different from their wilful companions. I do not speak of those physically forced into the action, or children, as that can be seen as beyond the present scope of 'being bad'. But of those runaways, those without homes or hope, who try to earn just a little bit for food. At the end of the day, if wilful or not (although for those who with to do something else but who do still consent, with regret, consent is at least a form of will) they are doing so from compulsion, the need we all have... that for money. Perhaps then, if one does object that prostitution is immoral, they need consider the morality of money. But that is another matter.

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